Our project for the first time takes stock of the development and implementation of whole-of-government approaches (WGAs) to external conflict and crisis management in the EU and all its member states.

The 29 reports examine how steep the learning curve in the development of WGA strategies has actually been.
Together with CEPS , the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s ‘Europe’s Future’ programme collected data on WGA implementation and institutional best practices in order to motivate governments across Europe to achieve better policy coherence.
Click on the EU or Country Reports to compare results in WGA implementation, examine the scores or download the reports.
We also provide the EU report as a PDF longread.

Overall Findings

In their analysis The Big Picture: Towards a Whole-of-Europe Approach to External Conflict, Loes Debuysere and Steven Blockmans provide an evaluation and synthesis of where the EU and its member states stand in comparison with each other as well as which best practices for the
successful implementation of a WGA can be identified.

Quantitative Indicators

Get the results for our 14 Quantitative Indicators on a scale from 2 (best) to 0 (worst).

Political and strategic objectives

Coordination with institutional actors

Degree of Interaction and Instruments

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