Luxembourg Report



While Luxembourg lacks a detailed, spelled-out and written WGA/3D strategy, it is fair to say that such integrated approaches have become the default setting of the bureaucracy. Furthermore, despite the absence of an explicit WGA strategy or policy, the bureaucracy has been restructured based on the needs of a WGA. The WGA/3D strategy, which has generated concrete instruments, development-aid policies and joint efforts, enjoys strong political, public and bureaucratic support across the government. In fact, there is a great deal of enthusiasm for the 3D approach, especially because it has made the country more visible at the international level. For example, in recognition of Luxembourg’s contributions to international peace and security, it was made a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2013 and 2014.
The objective of the 3D approach is to have a concrete impact on international peace and security through a concerted, integrated and pooled contribution to international crisis management. Luxembourg has realised the need to act through a WGA to make more, better and more consistent contributions to international peace, security and stability. This, in turn, has generated visibility for the country as a useful and credible net contributor to international security.
On the national level, Luxembourg’s WGA has helped to establish and bolster a mindset across the government that the various bodies and institutions need to act in concert to make the country a more credible player on the international level. Apart from the traditional foreign policy and security actors in Luxembourg, a WGA has enabled other government departments and national stakeholders to see their usefulness in contributing to peace and security. Indeed, the WGA has helped to show to other ministries that they, too, have an interest in and can contribute to international peace and security.
Furthermore, Luxembourg’s WGA has been extremely helpful in terms of avoiding duplication and competition among departments. Now there is a sense of coherence, solidarity and coordination among the national players. All actors feel compelled to pitch in to help make Luxembourg a more efficient and more visible international player. The reward for all these efforts has been a sense of satisfaction and pride in the minds of the actors who participate in the national structures described in this contribution. There is a sense of accomplishment and of having made a difference by using an integrated approach to contribute to resolving international crises.
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